It seems like all I write about lately is friends getting hitched, doesn’t it? Whoops. I did survive my double header of bachelorette parties–the second was a calmer, but in no way less fun, celebration with lots of good food and drink.

Today I received Hermit’s invitation in the mail. As I’ve explained before, I’ve got a thing for wedding invitations because I used to work at a specialty paper store. I’ve posted pictures of a few of the wedding invitations I’ve received in the past (ones to a bookish wedding, and the save the date and actual invitation to a classy Louisiana affair), and feel the need to share this one with you, too.

At first glance, Hermit’s invitation seemed standard: white cardstock, vellum overlay, tied together with a sheer white ribbon.

Hermit, however, doesn’t have traditional tastes. (I mean, you can’t be a traditionalist if you were the kind of girl in high school who dreamed of a Hermit Retreat.)

The invitation’s text is printed on the vellum. If you lift the vellum up to look at the cardstock, you see this:

That’s funny. They look like old school Donkey Kong platforms. Let’s look at the invitation as a whole, shall we?

That font. The “Press Start” at the very bottom. Incredibly fitting for Hermit. I told her that her invitation was “adork-able.”

There’s one wedding invitation I received that I haven’t posted pictures of–like all the other ones, it’s fitting for the couple, plus a fabulous stationery designer (a former co-worker) made them. But when I received it, I’d just moved from Pittsburgh back to Boston, and geographic adjustment issues were at the forefront of my mind. That wedding is actually this weekend, and may warrant a post of its own.

And then, finally then, I think I’ll be done talking about friends’ weddings. At least for a while. Other possible blog topics on the horizon: reuniting with a dear friend I haven’t seen in nearly four years, my birthday, going to a psychic reading, and hopefully, hopefully, on some indeterminate date, becoming employed again (and none too soon).